Today was awesome. No other way to describe it. Jack and I had planned to go swimming today, and hoped that Mimi would watch Tyler so we wouldn't have to take him with us to the neighborhood pool, which has little shade. This is a big deal, as we don't go swimming often.
When I say not often, I mean not often at all. I'm not sure we even made it to the neighborhood pool during the entire summer last year. 1) I was pregnant (enough said) and 2) Jack has a weird response to chlorine. He gets really hyper and silly. We try to avoid it, seeking out saline and other chlorine-free alternatives whenever possible. And, since we swim about 3 times per summer, poor Jack has no water skills. He clings to my neck like a cat and fusses about getting splashed. Good times for all.
But today was different. I suppose I should be getting accustomed to this new change...but it still takes me by surprise every time, in a good way. Ok, back to the story...
Michelle called this morning to see if we were free. Seems the twins, also 6, saw Jack's reading video and wanted to play w/Jack. Cole called up and asked if we could get together. Once the mom's hatched a suitable plan we sprung it on the kids...swimming for all! They were so excited. Jack even cleaned his room in preparation for the boys coming over after swimming! Mimi came to stay with Tyler and we headed to the pool. After about 3 minutes of tentativeness, Jack managed to make it in and was standing in the 3FT section! Within 30 minutes, he was wearing a floatie ring, holding on to a kickboard and was swimming the LENGTH of the pool chasing after water toys! I was amazed! I swam out with him once and that was all it took. He was kicking great and having a blast!
After 1.5 hours, it was time to go back to the house and feed the baby. The twins were, at this point, bored with swimming, as it is something they do every week at the Y. Jack was, admittedly, a bit torn up over the thought of leaving, but I can't say that I blame him. The boys came back to our house, played for a while and watched a video before they headed home. Jack talked up a storm about how much fun he'd had swimming. I required him to soak in the tub for a bit with some Epsom Salts, and then we had an early dinner.
After dinner we headed out to Toys R Us, and then on to Target, in search of the perfect pool toys. We got a boat with a sunshade and swim diapers for Tyler, since I have a feeling he's going to be accompanying us to the pool this summer, and Jack picked out a kickboard, water balls, a blow up ring and a sit on float. He is all geared up for a great summer!!!
As for the chlorine reaction, I didn't see anything, except he got a little weepy at bedtime. That is really unusual for him, but he didn't actually cry. He was disappointed that he couldn't watch TV when we got back from shopping (it was 7:45p) but handled it well. He could have just been tired. Oh, and he had a very short (45 seconds or so) giggle fit over something Daddy we'll have to keep watch for any "cumulative" reaction over the next few pool visits. And, if you have an alternative option where you live (Holly, Trina, Keeley, Amy), please invite little guy is anxious to go swimming again!