Lovin' our Big Boy!

Lovin' our Big Boy!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Welcome to 2nd Grade!!!

Tomorrow is the big day! Jack will be in 2nd grade and has the distinct blessing of having his most amazing Kindergarten teacher, Mrs. Ward, (seen here) as his now-2nd grade teacher!

Today we organized a playdate for all the upcoming 2nd graders at the school's playground. We thought it might be fun to get back into the swing of things by seeing all the old faces as we were learning who was in each class. It was an incredibly hot day (97, heat index 104) but there were lots of troopers who braved the heat to join us!

Lots of Jack's former classmates were there and several of his current classmates, who will join him in Mrs. Ward's class, were there too!

You know it is hot when the kids choose to sit UNDER the playground equipment!

The highlight of the event was when Mrs. Ward came out to see the kids. As soon as they saw her, they all ran toward her like she was carrying ice cream! She is one of the most loved teachers. There was lots of hugging...

There were lots of cuties there! Here are a couple that stopped running with their friends long enough for me to grab a picture!

Vishnu - Jack's classmate for 2 years now! He pushes Jack as one of the best readers in the class.

Niles and his brother, Nicholas, and mom, Andrea. Sweet Niles was in Jack's class last year.

Charlie, little brother to Clarissa.

Clarissa, Jack's friend since Kindergarten. Clarissa claims she and Jack are going to get married some day!

And, my ever adorable 2nd grader! I can barely believe it!

Jack, here we go! Another year to learn, navigate & grow! I'm so glad you have such a kind heart to guide you on your way this year! I'm so proud of you already!

1 comment:

Shelbie and Aaron Rose said...

I am so proud of Jack! I can't wait to hear about all of his adventures this year as it is always exciting. Love him and you!